On this page, you can find an explanation of how to work with OpenStack API using the Cloud Console Account.
We encourage clients to use CLI Users to work directly with OpenStack API, but it has a limitation - it’s bonded to the specific project in the specific region.
When you need to manage resources in all regions and all projects using the same
credentials, you can use the Cloud Console Account.
Required endpoints:
Take an example template below to configure your credentials file, you need to adjust only:
cat << EOF > ./ventus_credentials
export OS_USERNAME="username@company.domain"
export OS_PASSWORD="password"
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://vienna.ventuscloud.eu/v3/
#export OS_AUTH_URL=https://upper-austria.ventuscloud.eu/v3/
#export OS_AUTH_URL=https://eastern-switzerland.ventuscloud.eu/v3/
export OS_AUTH_PLUGIN=openid
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3oidcpassword
export OS_IDENTITY_PROVIDER=keycloak-ventus-oidc-idp
export OS_PROTOCOL=openid
export OS_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT=https://login.ventuscloud.eu/auth/realms/ventus/.well-known/openid-configuration
export OS_CLIENT_ID=ventus
export OS_CLIENT_SECRET=b950c9f444f90431939bf1da322363ce5c495be8a73b0ac672a9386fbea8e3d0
Use next command:
. ventus_credentials
This will export environment variables to your shell and let OpenStack CLI client required information for authentication using the Cloud Console account.
Use next command:
openstack project list
Expected result - list of all projects in your currently active region:
| ID | Name |
| 3c6XXXXXXXXXXa32 | 4e7XXXXXXXXXX609:swiss-3 |
| ba8XXXXXXXXXX1c3 | 4e7XXXXXXXXXX609:Swiss-2 |
| ea7XXXXXXXXXXab4 | 4e7XXXXXXXXXX609:Swiss-1 |
To change the region, do the following:
. ventus_credentials
;openstack project list
;Expected result - you can see your"
| ID | Name |
| 424XXXXXXXXXXcb3 | 4e7XXXXXXXXXX609:Upper-1 |
| a01XXXXXXXXXXacc | 4e7XXXXXXXXXX609:Upper-2 |
To find resources in the specific region in the specific project, do the following:
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://vienna.ventuscloud.eu/v3/
. ventus_credentials
;openstack server list
Expected result - list of servers deployed in this project:
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| a02XXXXXXXXXX5d4|vienna-1 | ACTIVE | public= | ubuntu-server-20.04-LTS-20201111 | VC-2 |
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://eastern-switzerland.ventuscloud.eu/v3/
Dot source credentials file:. ventus_credentials
Check servers available in this project:openstack server list
Expected result - list of servers deployed in this project:
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| a02XXXXXXXXXX5d4|swiss-1 | ACTIVE | public= | ubuntu-server-20.04-LTS-20201111 | VC-2 |
You can leverage your Cloud Console Account to work with any OpenStack resources in any available regions in any available projects using the same credentials.